just to get by, just to get by…

the title of this post is from a talib kweli song, fyi. anyway, today was a "snow day." forecasters had predicted up to 10 inches of snow and most schools closed, but all we received was a few inches of snow; the road is still visible. it was just disappointing because one of our favorite… Continue reading just to get by, just to get by…

long winter days and nights

i believe in process. i believe in four seasons. i believe that winter's tough, but spring's coming. i believe that there's a growing season. and i think that you realize that in life, you grow. you get better. ~ steve southerland this quote is so on point. winter can be dreary, depressing, and drags on… Continue reading long winter days and nights

days go by

they say it gets easier as the children grow older... and it's true. ezra is already 8 months old and he rarely gives me trouble. penny, on the other hand... she has been having better days lately and it may be because she's well-rested. penny had been going through a weird phase a few months ago… Continue reading days go by

back into it

i've been mia from the blogosphere and it makes me sad that i didn't chronicle the entire month of september. not a day went by without me thinking about finally writing another entry, but i kept putting it off for "tomorrow." so much has happened since then.. umm, mostly just life.. with two kids. but… Continue reading back into it

ezra’s tutti frutti party

ezra's 100th day party has come and gone; now we can all relax. the night before, dennis and i stayed up until 2am cleaning and organizing the house (him) and putting together last-minute details & decor (me). we knew we still had a lot to do in the morning (and still take care of two… Continue reading ezra’s tutti frutti party

100 days of ezra

i recall planning for penny's 100th day celebration two years ago, and now ezra is already 100 days old. it really has been an adventure so far raising two little ones. i've said it before but ezra is so much easier than penny right now. the 'terrible twos' are no joke. i had heard horror… Continue reading 100 days of ezra

life with two

two kids: two years old & two months old. people usually have their children close in age to one another so that they can be friends. they also have multiple children with the notion that it will be fun. but... when does the fun begin? okay, i guess i'm being dramatic but it sure is… Continue reading life with two

i will survive…

[ friday, 5/5/17 ] i have been trying to publish this post for five days now. i have to go through what i already wrote to update. for instance, ezra is three weeks old as of this past tuesday! although the newborn stage has its challenges, like those motn (middle of the night) feedings, it's… Continue reading i will survive…

…and ezra makes four

baby boy is already 13 days old! after i wrote the last blog post, i ended up calling my ob who told me to go to the hospital right away. we made a pit stop to grab some snacks, drinks, and magazines. then we arrived at the hospital around 1:30am. i was immediately ushered into… Continue reading …and ezra makes four

taking it easy..?

i'm 37 weeks tomorrow and i had the biggest scare of my pregnancy yesterday: i fell down the stairs. thankfully i was on my backside the entire time and i wasn't carrying penny. however, the impact did hurt my bottom and as i turned around to bury my face in my arms to cry a little from the… Continue reading taking it easy..?