night changes

my favorite holiday used to be thanksgiving for as long as i could remember. i always looked forward to our huge family gathering, the endless amounts of traditional thanksgiving and korean food, and, of course, my birthday. the years that my birthday fell during thanksgiving weekend, or on thanksgiving day, were the best since i… Continue reading night changes

summer daze

although fall doesn't officially begin until september 22nd, it feels like summer is slowly coming to an end with the start of the school year around the corner. i certainly am relishing the long days and soaking up the last rays of the summer sun. as much as i like snow, i dread being stuck… Continue reading summer daze

i will survive…

[ friday, 5/5/17 ] i have been trying to publish this post for five days now. i have to go through what i already wrote to update. for instance, ezra is three weeks old as of this past tuesday! although the newborn stage has its challenges, like those motn (middle of the night) feedings, it's… Continue reading i will survive…

nearing the end

i'm on week 35. i sound like a broken record, but it's unreal how quickly this pregnancy has gone by. i recall being excited, nervous, and scared for penny's arrival but i have a few more emotions to add to this one: sadness and guilt. i know, i know, i talked about guilt in my last… Continue reading nearing the end