no sleep till.. never?

goodness, it's been a ghastly week at the so household. penny woke up with a fever last thursday morning and has been sick ever since with progressively worse symptoms. she's finally much better today, and as my mil and i marveled over penny recognizing and reciting numbers 0-9 on her duplo blocks it was hard… Continue reading no sleep till.. never?

i will survive…

[ friday, 5/5/17 ] i have been trying to publish this post for five days now. i have to go through what i already wrote to update. for instance, ezra is three weeks old as of this past tuesday! although the newborn stage has its challenges, like those motn (middle of the night) feedings, it's… Continue reading i will survive…

maryland & dc

penny's hit another milestone - 18 months! this means in six months she'll already be two years old. what?! this also means that in six short months she'll already be a big sister to a one-month-old. oh boy. this post will be about our family vacation to maryland & dc; and i will also share tips… Continue reading maryland & dc

keep on rollin’

the above picture is how i felt all of last week. dennis works 7 straight days biweekly and those weeks are tough for both of us. last week felt dreadfully long as i tended to penny mostly by myself from monday-sunday. it's not even just being stir-crazy from being holed up in the house but… Continue reading keep on rollin’

it ain’t over ’til it’s over

remember how i had declared, with much relief, that penny's sleep regression seemed to have ended? yes, well, forget that, because it's still in progress. after talking about the sleep regression with my friend, jisun (언니) at church yesterday, she confirmed that the regression can come and go - one night your baby will sleep wonderfully… Continue reading it ain’t over ’til it’s over

weekend fun

i think the worst of the sleep regression has subsided. I really don't want to jinx it but the past few nights have been penny waking up at her "normal" hours - once a night. this is, of course, excluding last night. penny had her 4-month vaccines on friday afternoon. i learned this after the fact… Continue reading weekend fun