go time…?

39w2d. it's 10:40pm and my mil just led us in a group prayer because, after talking to my ob on the phone an hour ago, it seems like i'm in the early stages of labor. this morning at my 39-week appointment my ob asked if i would like for her to strip my membranes and… Continue reading go time…?

happy holidays

i had my 24-week checkup this morning. it was brief and everything went well. i've been keeping track of my weight gain like i did for penny, and i've gained 6.3 lb. so far. at this point with penny, i had gained 10.7 lb. and 18 lb. overall, right up until penny was born. i… Continue reading happy holidays

diy cake smash photo shoot

when you have a baby, the costs keep adding up. there are the necessary everyday items like diapers, but then there are also optional luxuries such as having professional photos done for your child. like many parents, we opted to do the newborn photo shoot because 1) we wanted high-quality images of penny, and 2)… Continue reading diy cake smash photo shoot

life is good

my right arm is hovering over the keyboard as i type this entry because the stitches on my wrist prevent me from applying too much pressure on it. on monday night, what was supposed to have been a relaxing and delicious family dinner turned out to be disastrous instead. as dennis grilled 삼겹살, or pork… Continue reading life is good

happy new year!

2 0 1 6. a whole new year with penny. she's growing up so, so quickly. her first birthday is in 4 months! what?!? :O the overzealous mom that i am, i started a pinterest board for her birthday when she was 3 months old adding ideas here and there... but now i really have to… Continue reading happy new year!

vegas getaway

first of all, happy 1st birthday to avery! i had the privilege of attending avery's first birthday party yesterday in andover, massachusetts. initially, dennis and i were both going to go with penny but we knew it'd be easier if only one of us went sans baby. dennis elected to stay home and i brought… Continue reading vegas getaway

happy (?) 4 months

i had a rough first month of motherhood - latching issues, nipple pain, and an oversupply of milk leading to mastitis. i kept hearing "it gets better" and "the first month is the hardest." well, i'm four months in and i find that every month brings with it a new set of challenges. penny is… Continue reading happy (?) 4 months

summer daze

with school in session and it being the second week of september, you may think fall is just around the corner. as the official first day of fall is september 23rd, you would be correct. but this month has still been summer strong. new england has been having record heat the past few days. i didn't… Continue reading summer daze