celebrate good times

there have been many things to celebrate recently - two weddings and a first birthday party. although both weddings occurred in october i haven't had the time nor energy (mostly energy) to organize and edit photos for a blog post. the so family leaves for maryland tomorrow for a family vacation and that'll be another… Continue reading celebrate good times

let go, and let God

  d-18 until penny's party! i think it's safe to say that the majority of 2016 was spent agonizing over the details of penny's first birthday. for the most part, i've completed the dol towers - all 3 of them - but i still need to do the tops. i need a break from those… Continue reading let go, and let God

diy play kitchen

finally. here's the post on how to spruce up a play kitchen for your little one. it doesn't have to be the ikea kitchen; it can be any play kitchen. i'm just going to show you what improvements i made to penny's kitchen so you can incorporate some (or all!) of these ideas into whichever… Continue reading diy play kitchen

birthdays & bachelor(ettes)

welcome to april! although in new england, not much has changed. actually, the weather has taken a turn for the worse. we were teased with a few days hovering near the high-60s last week. then it rained on saturday which turned to snow on sunday and finally ceased yesterday. i look forward to taking walks… Continue reading birthdays & bachelor(ettes)